I recently spent a fun chunk of time with the very nice, although slightly bewildered, service people at Schomp BMW. Sadly I wasn't able to take the model from this shoot out for a night on the town and we confused more than one person as I paraded around the $98k 750li taking pictures of the floor.
The photo above is one of my favorite out-takes from a shoot last week for the company that makes the tile in all BMW service shops (and many other high tech and/or restaurant locations). Their tile is some of the strongest stuff out there. The images we created will be used in trade show displays and some of their literature.
Even though the photo isn't of a person, I must say that the thing I continue to love about being an
annual report photographer and doing
industrial photography is the people. I meet the nicest people at places like Schomp. It's always such a joy to have them happily work with my odd requests as I interrupt their day.
For those who care, the image you see was created almost entirely in camera. I took the liberty of removing a water spot from the floor and clearing up a few stray reflections.